29 Flags
Cali Thornhill DewittPublishers
At Last BooksInfo
80 pages
225mm × 150mm
of 5
‘29 Flags’ investigates and reflects on events that mesmerised America and the rest of the world. These are not all major events seen in the harsh light of history, but mass media made them unavoidable and pushed them into the realm of common western consciousness. These are all stories that we watched unfold in what seemed like real time. DeWitt deconstructs these moments in the exhibition, his language a mixture of haiku poetry, TV shop, breaking news and text message. He facilitates a memorial of moments: a piercing wake for 29 Flags, or 29 —still relevant— moments from the past telling us about today.
With an introduction by Jesper Elg, director of V1 Gallery and an essay by William Pym.