Theory & Writing, Art, Culture

e-flux Index #4




460 pages


200mm × 255mm





Published five times a year, e-flux Index recomposes content commissioned across e-flux’s Journal, Architecture, Criticism, Education, and Notes platforms, organizing texts thematically to draw out today’s most vital strains of inquiry. Following the success of the first three issues, Index #4 features e-flux’s commissioned pieces from June–July 2024. It includes contribtuions from 68 authors, artists, architects, filmmakers, and educators, organized according to nine thematic sections or districts. These districts are titled: Things We Don’t Understand, Fluid Subjects, Not Asking for a Trip to the Moon, Forty Good Evenings, Doomscrolling, The Age of the Amateur, Elephants Without Tusks, Levels of Control, and How to Measure Everything. e-flux Index#4 features contributions from Mal Ahern, Michelangelo Antonioni, Stephanie Bailey, Franco "Bifo" Berardi, Xenia Benivolski, Crystal Bennes, Tega Brain, Lukas Brasiskis, Dare Brawley, Ilya Budraitskis, Phil Chang, Changwen Chen, Nina Chkareuli-Mdivani, Kim Cordóva, Hugh Davies, Luce deLire, Irmgard Emmelhainz, Orit Gat, Boris Groys, Valérian Guillier, Ksenya Gurshtein, Jörg Heiser, Daisy Hildyard, Isabel Jacobs, Marianna Janowicz, Alexander Kluge, Alexi Kukuljevic, Michael Kurtz, Patrick Langley, Sam Lavigne, Max Levin, Isabel Ling, Chelsea Manning, Basim Magdy, Erin McElroy, John Douglas Millar, Shana Moulton, Novuyo Moyo, Chris Murtha, Benjamin Noys, Francisco Nunes, Lai Yi Ohlsen, Bami Oke, Mimi Ọnụọha, Sean O'Toole, Matteo Pasquinelli, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Agnieszka Polska, Filipa Ramos, Lucia Rebolino, Liara Roux, Janus Rose, Frank Ruda, Panu Savolainen, Bruce Schneier, Fanny Singer, Nikolay Smirnov, Murtaza Vali, Anton Vidokle, Wendy Vogel, Kate Wagner, Hindley Wang, Xin Wang, Yifan Wang, McKenzie Wark, Pramodha Weerasekera, Slavoj Žižek, and Alenka Zupančič.