
Field Essays - “Éloj Kréyol”




112 pages


235mm × 170mm






In this fourth edition of Field Essays we explore the specific decolonial and tactile research approach in the work of Paris-based design-duo dach&zephir. Convinced of the symbolic act of transmission and the gestures objects convey they zoom into the historic making of identity. Field Essays’ centrifugal node Sophie Krier follows upon their ongoing research Éloge Créole, Chapitre 2, Escale 1 in which they interweave creole histories and archival footage from the island of Martinique. Krier invited writer and curator Lucy Cotter to reflect on the ethics of cultural exchange and how the unknown in collaborative making might generate new ways of thinking. The art historian Thomas Golsenne was also invited to analyse their work through the lens of ‘Bricologie', the (non)science of mending and re-composing. From the island’s perspective, the Martiniquansociologist and poet André Lucrèce speaks about the lasting (mental) hierarchies that persist to this day. Field Essays takes an editorial approach to practice-based research. It functions as a living conversation platform that explores peripheral practices probing unknown territories, methods and works. This way, Field Essays articulates living practices today. Field Essaysis a research platform lead and initiated by artist/researcher Sophie Krier and is hosted by Onomatopee Projects //// Field Essays is a research platform lead and initiated by artist/researcher Sophie Krier and is hosted by Onomatopee Projects. This edition of Field Essaysincludes the visual work of Paris based design-duo dach&zephir, visually reframed by graphic design studio Inedition, as well as written contributions by sociologist and poet André Lucrèce, art historian Thomas Golsenne and writer and curator Lucy Cotter.

Published by Onomatopee.