


272 pages


320mm × 240mm





We are proud to announce the launch of HAW-LIN MAGAZINE, a highly anticipated print adaptation of the preemptive and influential online mood board. Since its launch in 2008, HAW-LIN has been renowned for its minimalist and eclectic curation of images spanning art, design, fashion, science, sports, anthropology, and culture. Issue 01 aims to foster unorthodox connections within this visual landscape, offering meticulously crafted imagery that challenge norms and redefine perspectives. Each issue will feature a diverse range of content, linked by thematic and intuitive storytelling. “Transitioning to print felt like the best way to evolve the medium and a way to facilitate creating something new and tangible.” - HAW-LIN founders Jacob Klein and Nathan Cowen The magazine’s bold design is conceived by Michel Egger, experimental designer and a specialist in printed matter. Informed by his extensive work across book and magazine design, Egger’s conceptual and holistic approach combines a minimal, yet complex grid structure  to create a contemporary and dynamic visual experience. The unique print process directly informs the curatorial sequence and cover art selection. Distributed by Antenne Books, the inaugural issue of HAW-LIN MAGAZINE features an dynamic array of existing and previously unpublished content from over 100 contributors including Fumi Nagasaka, Jonas Lindstroem, Anna Uddenberg, Ill-Studio, Jon Rafman, and Daido Moriyama. The first issue will be released on 10. October 2024, and celebrated with launch events in Berlin and Paris.