Letters to N
Daido MoriyamaPublishers
168 pages
225mm × 128mm
of 7
Daido Moriyama’s photobook “Letters to N” is a personal message from Moriyama to his good friend, the late Takuma Nakahira. Shot with a digital camera in the Shonan region, including the towns of Kamakura, Zushi, and Hayama, Moriyama drafts a visual letter composed of everyday scenes in black and white to his dear companion.
The book includes an afterword by Moriyama and a series of letters to Takuma written thirty years ago, after Takuma suffered a loss of memory, and originally published in a literary magazine (all text included in Japanese & in English translation).
“I know you love the summer, so I wonder, are you still visiting Zushi and the beach there? Are you still chasing fish around the cliffs at Hayama? When you’re in the water, to me you almost looked like a fish yourself. Are you still spending time at the sea where we used to go for a dive almost every day?”
? from Daido Moriyama’s letter to Nakahira from January 1988