(Not) In Service
Uni Q MicalPublishers
Homie House PressInfo
80 pages
177mm × 140mm
of 7
(Not) in Service is a chronicle of poetry written from 2017-2022, during a transitional period of Unique’s life in her late 20s-early 30s. Many of the poems were written while Unique was “in transit” on Baltimore’s public transportation, which she counted on for her entire life up until 2022 (when she officially became a motorist). Baltimore’s transit system, known locally as the MTA (Maryland Transit Administration), is a steady, yet often unpredictable system of buses, subway trains, and light rails, which close to 2 million commuters relied upon in 2022 alone.
The title of the zine, (Not) in Service, is derived from the MTA bus marquee in Unique’s youth, which frequently frustrated commuters who stood for lengthy time frames. This project is meant to portray an unflinching, eyewitness account of the city Unique calls home, and a vulnerable disclosure of her emotional spectrum in this transitory period. Moreover, the collection speaks to Unique’s artistic mission to shift the international narrative of Baltimore City, focusing on glimpses of moments often overshadowed by tales of violence and destruction.