P L S Issue 36


Palais de Tokyo


108 pages


280mm × 210mm





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Issue 36 of P L S magazine proposes to explore the multiplicity, hybridity and fluidity of identities and the ways of loving, the plurality and complexity of our affects and our sexualities. For, there may be no boundaries to the various ways in which we can live out and understand our feelings. With this in mind, this issue has been devised as a reader that compiles different sensibilities, in which the complicity and the contagions between the artists and authors’ works are just as important as their respective contributions. Telling the story of these intimacies, with reciprocity and care for the other, means reconsidering some narratives and voices that are too often neglected in conventional discourses about love. These situated, brief and incisive textual and visual contributions, open out instable and deviant perspectives, like many herbaria of fantasies sown on the fringes of our individualities. In their own way, they resolutely and joyfully subvert the limits of hegemony to flourish in the ground of elusive, subjective and political affinities. With texts and visual contributions by: Linga Acácio, Phoenix Atala, Jimmy Beauquesne, Jeanne Jacob, Tony Colombe. K, Rafael Moreno, Aurélien Potier, Rafael RG, ana·mona servo / Les Éditions PanPan CulCul, Myriam Ziehli?; Lars Bang Larsen?; Pêdra Costa?; Audrey Couppé de Kermadec?; Théophylle Dcx?; Gorge?; jpp?; Rafaela Kennedy & Antonia Moreira?; Lazare Lazarus, Cy Lecerf Maulpoix, Tom de Pekin?; Sands Murray-Wassink?; Nygel Panasco?; François Piron?; Liz Rosenfeld?; Assotto Saint?; Ashkan Sepahvand?; Anaïs Sière?; Vanessa Sin, Jona Bruixet Dorsey-Swann, Tropikahl Ivy St. Laurent, Mandhla, GodXXX Noirphiles?; TOMBOYS DON’T CRY. This issue is published on the occasion of the following exhibitions at the Palais de Tokyo (from October 19, 2023 to January 7, 2024): group show Hors de la nuit des normes, hors de l’énorme ennui?; Lili Reynaud-Dewar’s solo show Hello, my name is Lili and we are many; Jakob Lena Knebl and Ashley Hans Scheirl’s show Doppleganger! Bilingual (French / English)