Poetry, Technology

Verses Of A Nameless Land




126 pages


110mm × 170mm






Verses of a Nameless Land by Patricia Reed is composed of 194 national anthems, redacted to omit all traces of national, ethnic, symbolic or geographical specificity and reassembled in thematic move- ments, maintaining original line structures. Graphic design: Inedition supported by the Canada Council for the Arts "The stories that construct our national identities become arguable as they are overrun by an extreme flow of global data exchanges via Internet, social media, travel and migration. Humanity has become global as the stories we deal with on a daily basis arise from everywhere across the globe. We generate our own narration through these in an eclectic manner, intuitively. Identities are configured from the bottom-up, throughout the lively narrations of the multitude. Meanwhile national and supranational governments attempt to offer identities in which we can find cohesion, just as the “European” storyline is trying to postulate something of a Jewish/Christian/humanist body. " Who told you so?! 

Published by Onomatopee.