Illustration, Nature, Sport

Wild Alchemy Journal Issue 3 - Water Edition


72 pages


335mm × 245mm





Wild Alchemy Lab is a multi-sensory resource for seekers, makers and imaginators. This augmented-reality journal is formed from a global collective of artists, academic researchers and occult practitioners, whose transdisciplinary practice explores nature, science and esoterica at the intersection of plants, planets and people. Alchemy is the art of transforming the basic elements of our existence into a unified field that is aligned with nature and the cosmos. It is an incremental process of recalibration that supports and informs how we are able to digest our experiences and consciously navigate the future. We take up the macro-microcosmic vision of the Hermetic axiom ‘as above, so below’ – everything in the universe is interrelated; nothing exists in isolation. By observing this phenomenon, we are able to work towards diffusing the myth of separation. In this, our third edition of the journal, we continue to navigate the elements, moving beyond earth and fire to explore our relationship to water as a conduit for mediation and metamorphosis. Water can purify, pacify and sanctify, yet also drown and destroy, it gives life and it takes it away. Elemental water is the tides within, the ebb and flow of our internal fluids and our emotional body. In Jungian psychology, it guides our feeling selves, our sensitivity to our environment and experience, our memories and psychic self.