[2] Extraction / Managing Displacement Series
Managing Displacement is a publication series that explores the intricate web of migration management within and beyond Europe’s borders. Those displaced and seeking to live in Europe are met with an increasingly hostile frontier. Each publication begins with a term in order to examine processes that restrict, surveil or obscure displaced people. Throughout, displacement is demonstrated as inseparable from legacies of colonialism and ongoing planetary exploitation.
Extraction is an ongoing process of enclosure and exploitation of resources. These financially
driven practices are not only causes of human and non-human displacement but are also central to how migration management exercises control and extracts profit from people on the move. This, in turn, amplifies forced displacement. How has extraction shaped migration, past and future?
Contributions by: Ariana Dongus, Radha D’Souza, Stefanos Levidis, Angela Melitopoulos