Damaged INC.
of 3
The book Damaged INC. is the result of a long-term project that mixes screen shots, photographs and sculptures. During several years, from the race tracks to the parking lots or farm fields showing - David Beyter 's artist followed the Big Bangers in the north of Europe. They describe themselves as a car crashing as a lifestyle. They do it for the sake of it and their motto lies in the fact of destroying cars using violent shocks, into radical compressions. The car wrecks resulting from this aesthetic of destruction are called "self-sculptures". For three years, David de Beyter followed the "Big Bangers", a community in northern Europe that car crash as a way of life. On circuits, car parks, bare fields, the artist has captured the essence of a practice that shapes the landscapes of his childhood. This long-term project combining films, photographs and sculptures will result in 3 editions (2 books and a vinyl). Damaged Inc. is the first, with its black-and-white print, its two-page collages that fragment the cars, and the slogans that illustrate the philosophy of the followers of this practice, is directly inspired by the aesthetics of the original fanzines created by the "Big Bangers".
Published by RVB.