Diary #1
of 7
Raw Meat is pleased to announce our newest title, featuring New York photographer, model and skateboarder Efron Danzig. Danzig has built up a large body of work documenting her life on 35mm film over the last year; photographing the people around her, opening up for us a window into intimate and often overlooked settings. Through her lens, the photographer is showing us the various ups and downs, the highs and lows of living in one the greatest cities on earth, New York. "Diary #1" is a dense tomb of love, a visual memoir from the artist. It is tenderness at its core. Danzig gives us a look into the loose moments of life we should embrace more often.
Details: 142 Pages, 8” x 10”, Perfect Bound, Smooth matte cover with lush matte interior. Printed in the United States in the year of 2024. Design & Layout by Efron Danzig & Kyle Quinn. Published by Raw Meat. "Diary #1" is Danzig's first artist book with the publishing house and her first photography book. All photographs by Efron Danzig. Full color matte printing and first edition.