Architecture, Design



Theatrum Mundi


104 pages


110mm × 200mm





How can new forms of interdisciplinarity between city- making and dance-making help engender care for bodies, both human and non-human, in urban landscapes? How can dance, and particularly the form of the party, reveal and respond to issues of mobility justice in cities? This publication addresses questions in the design of urban (im)mobilities, voicing the choreographers, dancers, architects, and urbanists that contributed to the Movement Forum project. It narrates the experiments they led, the processes they went through, and the encounters they had along the way. Encounters that challenged not only the way they relate to each other but also the way they move and co-exist in space; the way they present themselves, embody their identities and accommodate the identities and presence of others; and the way they relate to non-human species and inanimate things with whom they share their habitat. It is these encounters, whether amorous, meaningful, lasting, intimate, conscious or not, that this book wishes to celebrate. Movement Forum was a project curated and organised by Theatrum Mundi in 2021 as part of the Future Architecture platform programme ‘Landscapes of Care’ co-funded by Creative Europe. Edited by Fani Kostourou and Elahe Karimnia Contributors: à la sauvette/ Adam Moore/ Barbara Araque/ Diego Jenowein/ Elahe Karimnia/ Eloise Maltby Maland/ Ernesto Ibáñez Galindo/ Fani Kostourou/ fem_arc/ Lara Stöhlmacher/ Gloria Calderone/ Habibitch/ Héctor Suárez/ Iro Xyda/ John Bingham-Hall/ Lee Campbell/ Luc Sanciaume/ Mahsa Alami Fariman/ Marcello Licitra/ Pablo Castillo Luna/ Rafael Alvarez/ Rebecca Faulkner/ Sara Wookey/ Takako Hasegawa/ Victoria Noakes.