Epidermis II
Charlotte LybeerPublishers
APE (Art Paper Editions)Info
72 pages
305mm × 215mm
of 5
The tension between the real world and the parallel world is intensified in these perplexing portraits of morphsuits. The design and theatricality of public space extends into the private realm. Self-design is a statement in the virtual arena that is the Internet. How do I present myself to the other’s gaze? Which lifestyle do I use to construe an imaginary identity? How can I become someone else? In their Zentai suits these morphers succeed in escaping from the obligatory, omnipresent perception, the pressure of being seen, all the time, everywhere. They are encapsulated and unrecognisable in a completely enclosed form, vanishing into a trans-human identity that suddenly infiltrates reality in the home or hotel room where Lybeer portrays them. – Inge Henneman
Published by APE (Art Paper Editions).