
The Preserve Journal Issue no 4


KOMPOST studio


128 pages


240mm × 160mm





Contents — Issue no 4 Editor’s note Meg Yarcia A moment with Sandor Katz Text by Kathe Kaczmarzyk Going wild: A story about an old estate, nature restoration, and turtle doves Text by Imogen Smith Reconstructing Greece Text by Ashley Parsons In conversation with Michael Twitty: Reclaiming Black culinary traditions and their rightful place as the foundation of modern America Text by Will Dorman Spring and summer delights: Recipes for vegetables in season Text by Abra Berens Talking about oysters, salinity, and the ocean’s mercy Text by Jovana Djak Wine in Brazil Text by Lis Cereja Along a bowl of tomatoes Text by Emmy Laura Perez Fjalland Water, food, and sustainable development: Creating new awareness on the most precious resource on Earth Text by Marta Antonelli Language, food, and the Universal Text by Lorenzo Barbasetti di Prun In conversation with Anaïs Hazo: Fermentation collaboration – A new way of feeling Text by Julka Almquist The Microbiologist vol IV, DNA sequencing: A crash course Text by Ane Brødsgaard The sparrow that turned salmon: Unveiling the systems that govern food through art Text by L. Sasha Gora Potatoes under the midnight sun Text by Kristofer Coffman - - Issue no 4 contains 128 pages printed on FSC certified and recycled paper. Our magazines are published completely independently without advertisements or corporate investments. The Preserve Journal is, therefore, run free of any restraining commercial considerations and interests.⁠