To Step Across The Line


The Wapping Project


48 pages


210mm × 148mm





To Step Across the Line four pieces of writing on borders, lines, frames and edges that constrict, demarcate, define, enclose, separate, limit and open possibilities. To Step Across the Line by Kapka Kassabova takes the childhood game of hopscotch with lines drawn on a tarmac creating “a microcosm of meaningful boundaries” as a starting point to think about borders and look at the human trauma and ultra- porousness of the real lines in the landscapes separating Bulgaria and Turkey, Turkey and Greece, Thailand and Cambodia. Tara Bergin crosses the lines through her re-interpretation of fragments of Leonardo da Vinci’s Miscellaneous Notebooks in Where is Valentino? She considers translation as a form of crossing that sometimes results in crossed lines — misinterpretation — and works with the possibilities it unlocks for poetry. Edges, Frames and Edits by Lea Anderson explores the openings for imagination in dull films and TV. Lea developed a method for translating feature films into dance performances through discarding the narrative and focusing on the frame of the cinematic image and the characters’ movement in and out of shot — the space created by edits. The publication concludes with a text and image piece by Mairéad McClean Making Her Mark, drawing on materials collected during development and production of her visual arts commission under the same title.