Cachete JackPublishers
Paripé BooksInfo
136 pages
245mm × 170mm
of 6
Nuria Bellver and Raquel Fanjul met in 2006, while enrolled in Fine Arts. The last year of university 2010/2011 they felt the call of Cachete Jack and joined forces to give life to this two-headed, four-handed monster with a critical, fun, honest and playful spirit. Since that moment, they have worked for national and international clients in different fields: publishing press, advertising campaigns, children's books, covers, fashion, packaging, murals... and held individual and group exhibitions, illustration fairs, talks and artistic residencies in different parts of the world. of the globe... everything is possible in Cachete Jack. They have collaborated with The New York Times, The New Yorker, Elle Magazine, Hermès, Oxford University Press, and Netflix among many other media. We present his first illustration book, which functions as a retrospective of his abundant work so far in his short career.